Identifying Your Soul’s Language
For centuries, people have been on a quest to find out who they are, why they are here and what it all means. The Soul Language give people the answers to those questions in an accessible, relatable way. Soul Language is the expression of your true self and your essence. Your Soul contains your agenda of why you are here and what you have decided to accomplish. Soul Language is the way we choose to communicate that agenda. It is how one thinks, speaks, feels, relates and expresses oneself in the world. Soul Language is the key that teaches individuals how to participate consciously in their lives.
Featuring our Soul Guide Teacher
Jennifer Urezzio

According to Jennifer Urezzio, the creator of Soul Language and an intuitive healer, author, teacher and speaker, there are 107 different Soul Languages, and each and every person has three Soul Languages that he or she speaks. They are broken down into three different categories: Axiom of Quest, Axiom of Translation and Tone.
Through understanding your three languages, you can attract others that speak one of your Languages to help feel supported and connected. You can also attract others who speak other Languages to help you achieve a specific goal.
Your three individual Soul Languages are revealed to you during the Soul Language Identification Session. You will understand how you are consciously and unconsciously using those Languages and how your three Languages shape your life.
What is Soul Language?
Soul Language 1-1 Guidance
60-Minute Soul Identification Session

This 60-minute phone session will reveal your three Soul Languages, why they are important, what they mean, how you’re using them and how you can start using them to create success in your life. You will get an audio recording of your session as well as written definitions and meaning of your three Soul Languages. This session also includes several powerful Soul Language Integration Tools, so you can create a conscious connection between you and your Soul (via your Soul Language team) daily. These resources include:
- – Soul Integration Audio
- – Creating a Conscious Connection Everyday
- – Ego’s Games – 8 Things to Be Aware That Ego Will Do To Keep You From Expanding
- – Everyday Questions – A guide to starting a conversation with your Soul
- Language team(s)
- – And, a special bonus gift from Jennifer Urezzio
Praises for Jennifer
“After both readings (personal Soul Languages and my business Soul Languages) with Jennifer it was like the missing pieces of a huge jigsaw puzzle fell into place, and the profound changes keep coming. My soul feels like it can breathe…because finally I am listening to it and I feel incredible joy at how easy and Divinely assisted my Life’s work will be with the support of my Divine Soul Team.”
Domenica Papalia, Sacred Feminine Within
“I so love Soul Language that I have included it as part of my platinum programs so now all of my private clients receive readings from Jennifer. As we work on growing their business from the inside out their Soul Languages help guide them and keep them aligned with their soul. This means their success will be more fulfilling and more in alignment with their truest gifts and desires.”
Laura West, Center for Joyful Business
“Working with Jennifer Urezzio and her Soul Language Program has been nothing less than a Liberating, Soul-Full, and Heart expanding experience. It has helped me to understand who I truly am and what my potential is in this life. It has also helped me to put words to feelings, thoughts and experiences I have had in my life that were confusing or even unnerving. With the highest degree of confidence I recommend Jennifer as a healer and an intuitive, and her Soul language program for all people who are interested in expanding their consciousness, hearts and minds.”
Matthew David O’Grady,
“Working with Jennifer has been an incredible experience. I felt very connected with her from the beginning on. I can’t wait to continue our work together and get even deeper into my Soul Languages. The one we determined during our first session and the insight about where I sabotage myself has been of tremendous value. Thank you, Jennifer.”